From Finland with Love
The answer was Pre-emplantation genetic testing in IVF

He story starts in Finland
After several years without having children, the couple sought help in Finland, and several attempts were made including artificial insemination, ICSI, and implantation of frozen embryos, but it was not successful.
Our story begins with several online consultations regarding the first pregnancy attempts that took place in Finland, and we were trying to coordinate and help the mother go through this difficult period and explain to her every step that was taken and how she can deal with it.
After the unfortunate events in Finland, the couple decided to come to Egypt and start the journey with us. We took the decision to start a new cycle of ICSI on a different basis than what had been done before.
Afterwards we were blessed with several good quality embryos, we began to think about the importance of examining the embryos in order to ensure the safety of the embryos before transfer, and thus increase the chance of pregnancy.
We actually examined the embryos using the highest technology, NGS. The result was that only 2 of the embryos have normal chromosome pattern.
The 2 healthy embryos were transferred and after 14 days the pregnancy test was positive and the pregnancy was stable and healthy.
Examining the embryos has led to a high probability that the previous unsuccessful attempts could have been due to defects in the formation of the embryos.